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About Anna

My research focuses on high-precision measurements of radioactive ions using atomic-physics techniques. For example, mass spectrometry of radionuclides is critical to understand the forces that tie the atomic constituents together, the birth and death of a star, as well as the search for physics beyond the Standard Model. These measurements are performed with the highest precision and accuracy in ion traps, which permit exquisite control of a single ion or a multitude. This manipulation has been exploited at TITAN (TRIUMF’s Ion Trap for Nuclear and Atomic science) primarily for mass spectrometry and in-trap spectroscopy.


APS Stuart J. Freedman Award in Experimental Nuclear Physics, 2018


TRIUMF, 08/2011 - 07/2015


Physics, Michigan State University, 08/2011


Physics, Michigan State University, 12/2007


French, University of California, Berkeley, 05/2005

Physics, University of California, Berkeley, 05/2005

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