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Alyssa Ann Goodman

Astronomy, Harvard University

Research Focus
About Alyssa

Alyssa Goodman is the Robert Wheeler Willson Professor of Applied Astronomy at Harvard University and a Research Associate of the Smithsonian Institution. Goodman’s research and teaching interests span astronomy, data visualization, and online systems for research and education.

Goodman presently focuses primarily on new ways to visualize and analyze the tremendous data volumes created by large and/or diverse astronomical surveys, and on improving our understanding of the structure of the Milky Way Galaxy. She is the PI of the glue software effort, which creates new tools for high-dimensional data visualization.  She also works closely with colleagues at the American Astronomical Society and Harvard to expand the use of the WorldWide Telescope. Goodman leads the Prediction project at Harvard University, focused on tracing back the roots of modern computer simulation, as prediction, through history, all the way back to the sheep entrail divination practiced in Mesopotamia.


Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, 1989 - 1992


Physics, Harvard University, 09/1989


Physics, Harvard University, 05/1986


Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 06/1984

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