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Antonella Palmese

Cosmic Physics Center, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

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About Antonella

Antonella Palmese, originally from Italy, got her undergraduate degree and Masters from La Sapienza University of Rome, in Italy. She then moved to London for her PhD at University College London. Her work was focused on the Dark Energy Survey (DES), at the interface between the large scale structure of the Universe, galaxy evolution, and gravitational waves.  Antonella is now a postdoc at Fermilab near Chicago (USA), and an associate fellow at the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, at the University of Chicago. She is heavily involved in gravitational wave follow-ups and gravitational wave cosmology, and also very enthusiastic about applying machine learning techniques to astronomy. She is the co-chair of the DES Galaxy Evolution and Quasars Working Group, and the Time Domain Working Group co-chair for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). She has also recently been appointed lead of the Survey group within the LISA Multi-Messenger Multi-Band Astronomy Work Package.


2021 - NASA Einstein Fellow

2020 - Fermilab Exceptional Performance Recognition Award

2018 - Runner–up for 2018 Royal Astronomical Society Michael Penston Prize for best Astronomy doctoral thesis in the UK

2014 - Enrico Persico award for best 2014 Astrophysics Masters in Italy, from Accademia dei Lince


Cosmic Physics Center, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratoy, 05/2018 - 09/2021


Astrophysics, University College London, 05/2018


Astrophysics, La Sapienza, 10/2013


Physicss, La Sapienza, 11/2011

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