Bonnie Fleming
Wright Laboratory, Physics Department, Yale University
Research Focus
Research Interests
About Bonnie
Bonnie T. Fleming, a Professor of Physics at Yale University, studies neutrinos to both understand their nature and learn what they can tell us about the universe. Fleming got her B.A. from Barnard College, her Ph.D from Columbia University and held a Lederman Fellowship at DOE’s Fermilab.
At Yale since 2004, Fleming is pursuing pressing questions in neutrino physics and developing new ideas for detectors and instrumentation. Fleming is the founding Scientific Spokesperson and now Co-spokesperson of the MicroBooNE experiment. Fleming also collaborates on ArgoNeuT, SBND, and DUNE. Fleming is a pioneer in developing the detector technology employed for all these experiments, Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers.
Combined with her research program and community participation, Fleming actively encourages women and girls to pursue science through several programs including Girls Science Investigations (gsi.yale.edu).
2018 - American Physical Society, DPF Mentoring Award
2013-2014 - Public Voices Fellow, Yale University
2013 - Fellow, American Physical Society
2012 - Connecticut Academy of Science and Technology, Fellow
2012 - Seton-Elm Ivy Award, Yale University
2007 - Junior Faculty Fellowship, Yale University
2006 - NSF CAREER Award
2001 - Luise Meyer-Schutzmeister Award, Association of Women in Science
1993 - Henry R. Boorse Prize in Physics, Barnard College
Lederman Fellow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratoy, 01/2002 - 07/2004
Physics, Columbia University, 05/2002
physics, Columbia University, 05/1999
Physics, Barnard College, 05/1993