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Caprice Phillips

Astronomy, Ohio State University

Research Focus
About Caprice

I am a PhD Candidate at The Ohio State University. I am interested in brown dwarf and exoplanet atmosphere characterization. My main research goals are to explore planetary formation through atmospheric retrievals of brown dwarfs and directly imaged exoplanets. Along with this, I am interested in detecting biosignatures and the habitability of temperate exoplanets. Educational equity and the mentoring and retainment of Black and other traditionally marginalized groups in astronomy are things that I am passionate about. One of my main engagement and outreach efforts is with Black In Astro.  The goal of #BlackInAstro is to celebrate and amplify Black scientists and engineers within the space community.When I’m not coding or working at school, I enjoy reading, crafting, cooking, and trying my hand at new recipes. I also enjoy attending comic conventions to let out my inner nerd.


2023 - Kavli Fellow

2023 - Royal Astronomical Society Annie Maunder Medal for Outreach to #BlackInAstro team

2022 - Ann S. Tuttle Citizenship, Engagement, and Outreach Prize (OSU)

2022 - Beth Brown Memorial Award for Best Oral Presentation

2018 - LSSTC Data Science Fellowship


Astronomy, Ohio State University, 07/2025


Astronomy, The University of Texas at Austin, 05/2019


Physics, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 12/2015

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