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Emily First

Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University

Research Focus
About Emily

I am a new 51 Pegasi b Fellow, based at Cornell University. My academic training has been in volcanology and planetary science, from a PhD at the University of Hawaii where I investigated lavas from the Earth and Mars to a postdoc at Brown University where I conducted laboratory experiments on lunar magmas. My new project branches out to the world of spectroscopy and exoplanets. Using my expertise in igneous petrology and mineralogy, I will be gathering infrared spectra, along with detailed textural and mineralogical data, for a large suite of igneous rocks. The end goal is to create a database with sufficient breadth and detail for use in interpreting exoplanet data for years to come. More research, teaching, and outreach activities are highlighted on my personal website.


2020-2023 - 51 Pegasi b Fellow, Heising-Simons Foundation

2017 - Geological Society of America Lipman Research Award

2017 - Geological Society of America MGPV Division Student Award

2013, 2016 - ARCS Foundation Scholar, Honolulu, HI

2011-2013 - Fred M. Bullard Graduate Fellowship, University of Hawaii at Mānoa


Cornell University, 12/2020

Brown University, 04/2018 - 11/2020


Geology & Geophysics, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, 12/2017


Geology, University of Georgia, 05/2011

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