Gabriela Gonzalez
Physics and Astronomy Department
Research Focus
Research Interests
About Gabriela
Gabriela González is a professor of physics and astronomy at Louisiana State University searching for gravitational waves with the LIGO team. She was born in Córdoba, Argentina, where she studied before pursuing her Ph.D. in Syracuse University, obtained in 1995. She was a staff scientist in the LIGO group at MIT, joined the faculty at Penn State in 1997 and moved to LSU in 2001. She has been a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration since 1997, served as spokesperson in 2011-2017, and participated in the announcement of the discovery of gravitational waves in 2016. Her group works on LIGO instrument development, reducing noise sources, and data diagnostics.
2020 - Honorary Doctorate, University of Buenos Aires
2019 - Elected member, Argentinian National Academy of Sciences
2019 - Named Louisiana State University System Boyd Professor
2018 - Honorary Doctorate, University of Glasgow
2017 - Bruno Rossi prize, High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society (awarded to Gabriela Gonzalez and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration)
2017 - Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2017 - Elected member, US National Academy of Sciences
2017 - US National Academy of Sciences Award for Scientific Discovery (awarded to Peter Saulson, David Reitze and Gabriela Gonzalez)
2016 - One of “Ten people who mattered this year”, Nature Magazine
2010 - Elected Fellow, International Society of General Relativity and Gravitation
2007 - Edward A. Bouchet Award, American Physical Society
2007 - Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society
LIGO group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 04/1995 - 08/1998
Physics, Syracuse University, 05/1995
Physics, Syracuse University, 05/1994
Physics, Cordoba National University, 12/1988