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Giulia Giannini

Cosmology Group, IFAE Barcelona

Research Focus
Research Interests
About Giulia

I am currently part of the Dark Energy Survey, focusing on the redshift calibration of both the source and lens galaxy catalogues used for weak lensing. I am leader of two papers included in the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 release. I make use of neural networks known as self-organizing maps and cross-correlations to constrain the redshift distributions.

I am also starting another project studying the impact of the observing conditions on the measured cosmology. My interest is also towards the galaxy-galaxy lensing measurement, which is one of the three probes used in DES (together with cosmic shear and galaxy clustering).

I usually do outreach, since I think it is important to expose younger people to female scientists (or any minority).

In these months I am very absorbed by my PhD, but when I have less work I am quite active. I try to exercise almost every day, I love to dance, to do yoga, to sing and cuddle my cats. I adore the sea and I am learning how to kitesurf.


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship (La Caixa INPhINIT)


Observational Cosmology, IFAE Barcelona, On going


Particle Physics, University of Zurich, 06/2017


Physics, Università di Bologna, 07/2014

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