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Jane Huang

Columbia University

Research Focus
About Jane

Jane Huang studies how planets form through observations and modeling of the dust and molecules in the protoplanetary disks that orbit young stars. She is especially interested in observational signatures of planet-disk interactions, the chemical evolution of protoplanetary disks, and the influence of environment on planet formation.


2021 - IAU PhD Prize, Planetary Systems and Bioastronomy Division

2021 - NRAO R. L. Brown Outstanding Dissertation Award

2021 - Robert J. Trumpler Award

2020 - NHFP Sagan Fellowship


University of Michigan, 08/2020 - 06/2023


Astronomy & Astrophysics, Harvard University, 05/2020


Astronomy & Astrophysics, Harvard University, 05/2016


University of Chicago, 06/2014

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