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Jordan Eagle

High Energy Astrophysics

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About Jordan

I am a physics PhD candidate from Clemson University in South Carolina, starting my sixth year. I am completing my PhD thesis at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics under Dr. Daniel Castro. Together, we hunt the remnants of stellar explosions in the highest energy light — gamma-rays! Massive stars end their life in a violent stellar explosion. Often times, a crazy rapidly rotating star made up of mostly neutrons is left behind at the explosion center called a “pulsar”. If the pulsar has enough power, it will actually form an extremely energetic wind made out of particles like electrons! We call this particle wind powered by the pulsar a “pulsar wind nebula”. The particles interact with their surroundings and radiate away their energy. Scientists like Dan and I observe this radiation from radio wavelengths to gamma-ray energies!


Predoctoral Fellowship


Physics, Clemson University, 05/2022


Physics, Clemson University, 12/2019


Physics, Radford University, 05/2016

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