Karen Masters
Physics and Astronomy, Haverford College
Research Focus
About Karen
KAREN L. MASTERS is a Professor in Astronomy and Physics at Haverford College. In her research Prof. Masters seeks to use large surveys (both in optical and radio wavelengths) to understand how galaxies in our Universe form and evolve. She is the Project Scientist for the successful, Galaxy Zoo project – one of the most productive citizen science projects in existence which crowdsources the morphology of galaxies. Dr Masters is also Spokesperson for the Fourth phase of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV). Previously, Dr. Masters was on the faculty at Portsmouth University in the UK, where she was original hired as a postdoc (2008), then promoted to Assistant Prof in 2014, and Associate Prof in 2015 before moving to Haverford in 2018. Her PhD is in Astronomy from Cornell University (2005). She is a member of the AAS (American Astronomical Society) Education Committee and Nominating Committee.
ICG, University of Portsmouth, 09/2008 - 08/2014
CfA, Harvard University, 09/2005 - 08/2008
Astronomy, Cornell University, 08/2005
Astronomy, Cornell University, 08/2003
Physics, Oxford University, 06/2000