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Mariah MacDonald

Physics, The College of New Jersey

Research Focus
About Mariah

My research interests span most of exoplanetary science, including planetary formation, dynamics, interiors (tectonics), habitability, and population synthesis. I am also interested in astrostatistics and timeseries analysis.

I am quite passionate about equity and inclusivity and spend way too much time and energy on that. I was recently diagnosed with pretty bad ADHD (mixed presentation), so in addition to coping with that I’ve been on a sort of mission to help spread awareness about symptoms for that, especially as it presents in women.

For hobbies, I enjoy traveling, hiking, video games, and cosplay 🙂


NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant Graduate Fellowship

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

The Pennsylvania State University Alumni Association Dissertation Award


Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pennsylvania State University, 01/2021


Astronomy, Pennsylvania State University system, 08/2018


Physics, Florida Institute of Technology, 12/2015

Astronomy and Astrophysics, Florida Institute of Technology, 12/2015

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