Meredith Powell
Stanford University
Research Focus
About Meredith
I’m Merry Powell, and I am a Porat Postdoctoral Fellow at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) at Stanford University. I research the growth of supermassive black holes and how they co-evolve with the galaxies and dark matter halos that host them. I received my PhD in Physics from Yale University.
Beyond astrophysics, I enjoy playing piano, playing viola in orchestras and chamber groups, and skiing. I also paint pet portraits.
Citation for Outstanding Performance, UC Davis Physics Department
Leigh Page Prize, Yale University Physics Department
NASA CT Space Grant Graduate Research Fellowship
Porat Postdoctoral Fellowship
Saxon Patten Prize, UC Davis Physics Department
Stanford University, 09/2019
Physics, Yale University, 05/2019
Physics, Yale University, 05/2015
Physics, University of California, Davis, 06/2013