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Sarah Horst

Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University

Research Focus
About Sarah

My primary research interest is atmospheric chemistry. In particular, I am interested in the complex organic chemistry occurring in the atmosphere of Titan. I am also interested in complex organics elsewhere in the solar system (and the universe!), whether they are produced in an atmosphere or on a surface. Outside of work I enjoying biking (mountain and road), running, gardening, house projects, cooking, reading, making art, and hanging out with my dogs.


2020 - Macelwane Medal

AAS Laboratory Astrophysics Division Early Career Award

Fellow of the American Geophysical Union


CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder, 09/2011 - 08/2014


Planetary Sciences, University of Arizona, 05/2011


Literature, California Institute of Technology, 06/2004

Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, 06/2004

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