Tania Anderson
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Division, Space Telescope Science Institute
Research Focus
About Tania
Tania Anderson has been part of Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) for over 24 years. Tania manages the pipeline development program, which involves outreach, training, and career development through internships aimed at K-12, undergraduate and graduate level students, early career individuals and individuals from underrepresented backgrounds. Tania founded the Youth for Astronomy & Engineering (YAE) Program in 2005, which became institutionalized as one of the STEM local initiative programs at STScI. She continues to manage the program where she develops and sustains community outreach initiatives in STEM with a focus in physics and astronomy. Tania Anderson holds a Master of Business Administration degree and is a Certified Diversity Professional. Her passion and experience are grounded in public and community outreach as well as community engagement leadership.
2015 - Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) Achievement Award
Master of Business Administration, University of Maryland Global Campus
Business Administration, University of Maryland Global Campus