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Xinting Yu

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz

Research Focus
About Xinting

I am currently a postdoc fellow in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of California Santa Cruz. I am currently working on understanding exoplanet clouds and hazes through laboratory experiments with the 51 Pegasi b Postdoctoral Fellowship. I am also interested in organic materials in the Solar System, especially organics on my favorite moon, Titan. I study 1) surface processes such as organic sand transport, dune formation, and abrasion on Titan’s surface, 2) cloud formation and organic haze evolution in Titan’s atmosphere, and 3) cloud-aerosol-lake interactions on Titan. I also just started a project on using solely atmospheric characterization data to identify surfaces on exoplanets (link)! I am interested in expanding my Titan science to other icy bodies in the Solar System such as Pluto, Triton, and comets. To learn more about my research and my group at UCSC, here is my personal website.


51 Pegasi b Postdoctoral Fellowship


Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, 06/2022


Planetary Science, Johns Hopkins University, 06/2019


Planetary Science, Johns Hopkins University, 06/2016


Space Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, 06/2014

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