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Research Interest: Planetary Atmospheres

Nikole Lewis

Professor Lewis’ work focuses on probing exoplanet atmospheres using a combination of observational and theoretical techniques. Her current research includes work with both space- and ground-based campaigns to measure spectra and photometry of exoplanet atmospheres as well as the development of one-, two-, and three-dimensional models to guide and interpret those observations. She is also […]

Eileen Gonzales

Eileen Gonzales is a 51 Pegasi b Fellow at the Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences. She uses observational and theoretical techniques to understand the atmospheres of low-mass stars, brown dwarfs, and directly-imaged exoplanets. Using atmospheric retrievals, her current work aims to understand cloud properties as well as key chemical processes shaping the formation […]

Leslie Rogers

Prof. Rogers studies the formation, interior structure, and evolution of exoplanets. Her research aims to deepen the current understanding of the rich physics governing sub-Neptune-size planet interiors, to discover bulk composition trends in the growing census of known exoplanets, and to connect these composition trends back to distinct planet formation pathways. To pursue these goals, Rogers […]

Ashley Baker

I work on aiding ground-based exoplanet characterization surveys through new instrumentation and a better understanding of the impact of Earth’s atmosphere, or tellurics, on high-precision radial velocity measurements. The former includes developing higher throughput instruments for performing transmission spectroscopy of exoplanets to study their atmospheres as well as designing auxiliary spectrographs for radial velocity instruments […]

Courtney Dressing

Courtney is an observational astronomer focused on detecting and characterizing planetary systems. She was a member of the Science & Technology Definition Team for NASA’s Large UV/Optical/Infrared Surveyor (LUVOIR) mission concept study and is currently serving on the panel on Exoplanets, Astrobiology, and the Solar System for the Astro2020 Decadal Survey. She has been awarded […]

Marta Bryan

I am a 51 Pegasi b postdoctoral research fellow at UC Berkeley Department of Astronomy. I use a wide variety of observational techniques (high-resolution spectroscopy, direct imaging, radial velocities) to detect and characterize gas giant planets outside our solar system to explore how planetary systems form and evolve. Currently I am leading a NIR high-resolution […]

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