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Research Interest: Planetary Atmospheres

Johanna Teske

Johanna’s research involves finding and characterizing planets around other stars using ground- and space-based spectroscopic instruments. Recently she has been focused on better understanding the origins of super-Earth and sub-Neptune planets by studying their interior and atmospheric compositions. She is also interested in how the compositions of host stars are (or are not) related to […]

Anjali A. A. Piette

I study the atmospheres of a wide range of exoplanets, from molten rocky planets to mini-Neptunes, hot gas giants and isolated brown dwarfs. My research lies at the interface between theoretical models and atmospheric observations – I use both forward and inverse modelling techniques to understand and empirically constrain planetary physics beyond the solar system. 

Zahra Essack

Zahra Essack is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of New Mexico. She received her Ph.D. (2023) in Planetary Sciences from MIT, where she used a combination of telescope observations, laboratory experiments, and modeling to understand the surfaces, atmospheres, and formation of short-period hot super-Earth exoplanets. As a Postdoctoral Fellow, Zahra is extending her work […]

Samantha Nicole Hasler

Samantha is a Ph.D. candidate at MIT working with Prof. Kerri Cahoy and Prof. Julien de Wit on both exoplanet and solar system science. Her current work is focused on developing analysis tools for future direct imaging missions that will observe planets in reflected light. She has also developed a pipeline to maximize the science […]

Caprice Phillips

I am a PhD Candidate at The Ohio State University. I am interested in brown dwarf and exoplanet atmosphere characterization. My main research goals are to explore planetary formation through atmospheric retrievals of brown dwarfs and directly imaged exoplanets. Along with this, I am interested in detecting biosignatures and the habitability of temperate exoplanets. Educational […]

Johanna Vos

I am currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the American Museum of Natural History. My research focuses on the atmospheres of extrasolar planets and I am particularly interested in understanding their weather phenomena.

Laura Kreidberg

Laura Kreidberg is the director of the APEx Department at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany. Prior to moving to Germany, she was a Clay Fellow at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithosian, and a Harvard Junior Fellow. She studied at the University of Chicago and Yale University. Dr. Kreidberg […]

Sarah Horst

My primary research interest is atmospheric chemistry. In particular, I am interested in the complex organic chemistry occurring in the atmosphere of Titan. I am also interested in complex organics elsewhere in the solar system (and the universe!), whether they are produced in an atmosphere or on a surface. Outside of work I enjoying biking […]

Amy Simon

My scientific research involves the study of the composition, dynamics, and cloud structure in jovian planet atmospheres, primarily from spacecraft observations. I have had a role on several Giant planets space missions, including Galileo, Cassini, and a dedicated Hubble Space Telescope project.  Additionally, I analyze the visible and near-IR spectra of asteroids and other solid […]

Shannon Curry

Dr. Curry is a planetary physicist currently working on NASA and ESA supported research projects as the Deputy Assistant Director of Planetary Science at the Space Sciences Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research focus is on terrestrial planetary atmospheres, primarily in atmospheric escape and dynamics at Mars, Venus and other weakly magnetized […]

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